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Архивы френд-ленты Livejournal.com (Korsun: 02.2001-10.2002)

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Korsun's Livejournal Userinfo

User:korsun (169493)
Location:Kiev, Ukraine
ICQ UIN: 10473560 (Add User, Send Message)
Memories:1 entry
Friends:77: 33, aculeata, alexmsk, angstboy, anthonius, aqualung, arivona, avrom, bris, catherina, const, dima418, dimkin, dmierkin, emdin, evva, fishnya, frdv, freki, glupo, heruka, irlik, ironghost, ivan_ivanov, jeronim, kiev, konvert, korsun, koshkin, krylov, labas, ladoga25, lenka, levpir, lighttear, ljuser18, losta, luts, makropod, masha, metalnikov, mikityuk, morosha, mutahabar, nekto, nikial, nofnord, nord, op, otomash, parvahti, plaksa, ptichman, rastamandita, rasteehead, sada_ko, screamager, sereja, shakor, sherman, skuzn, solntsev, spaniard, squadette, swilf, tanya_lavruhina, thipharet, tiphareth, tomcatkins, tt, urbvnmvgus, vskab, yanulia, yatsutko, y_d_dargye, zikoff, zug
Friend of:73: 33, aculeata, alexmsk, anthonius, aqualung, arivona, assole, bris, catherina, const, dhr_eigen, dmierkin, drugoy, emdin, fif, fishnya, foma, freki, glupo, heruka, irlik, ironghost, irvor, ivan_ivanov, konvert, korsun, koshkin, krylov, labas, ladoga25, lenka, lighttear, linxy, lisovsky, ljuser18, losta, luts, makropod, masha, metalnikov, mikityuk, morosha, mutahabar, nekto, nofnord, op, otomash, parvahti, plaksa, ptichman, rasteehead, sherman, skuzn, slider, slonopas, solntsev, spaniard, squadette, swilf, tanya_lavruhina, thesk, thipharet, tiphareth, uloved, useruser, vskab, vyastik, yasha, yatsutko, y_d_dargye, zaytsev, zikoff, zug
Member of:2: kiev, sputnik_zhzh
Account type:Free User
Date created:2001-06-07 01:13:44
Date updated:2002-11-22 04:17:24, 2 days ago
Clients used:Web: 1.0
Win32-MFC-Sema: 1.0
Win32-MFC: 1.4.6-lite
Journal entries:159
Comments:Posted: 424 - Received: 457
Shared Journal Access:korsun can post to kiev

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